Thursday, October 24, 2019

Living Room Week 3

I was able to get a lot of work done, but I had a large amount of problems I had to face. So far, here is my work as of now:

At home, I had textured a number of things: the floor, table, carpet, entertainment center, and TV. I also made the different walls its own object and was able to change them individually, while also making all of them the same color. 

I added some things from my past assignment, that being the grocery assignment. I’m planning on filling the entire shelf with smores pop tarts. I’m only doing that because it’s funny to see someone has that much on display. 

When starting to do the work in class, I wasn’t able to get my textures in view for some odd reason. I’m worried that all of my work was deleted. I’m not entirely sure right now, but I ‘m gonna plan this week to UV more things while also trying to finalize things. 

Thursday, October 17, 2019

CAGD 230 Living Room week 2

Currently, i'm now reaching the halfway mark on this assignment. Right now, I'm still modeling things, but I'm becoming a whole lot better when it comes to modeling. I got to work on making many low poly models of the couch, TV, entertainment center, and others, all thanks to extruding objects.

Here's my current process as of Thursday October 17th, 2019 (prior to work time in class)

My main problem so far is not knowing what else I should add to fill up space. I can think of small things like lamps and food at least, but the empty spot on the wall is a little too empty. Maybe I should add photos on it, but I'm not too sure.

I used two YouTube videos to help me with making the sofa and the tv. Surprisingly, making the TV was by far the most easiest thing i have ever done in this class so far. I was truly amazed by how quick and easy I made it.

As for the poly count, I'm only at a fraction of the limit. I'm able to do that by beveling objects, extruding, and completely avoiding the 3 hotkey that curves things because that makes the poly count skyrocket. Hopefully, I'll keep this up and not make it to 50,000. I know I can.

For this day and the rest of the week, I plan to finish adding things and then UV some objects. I feel I should focus on the main parts of the living room, then work on small things once i'm done. I'm very confident that I can manage to UV most of it by next Tuesday.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

CAGD 230 living room Week 1

This is the start of my living room project, where I have to create an entire living room in Maya. The concept arts I will be using for this assignment is shown below:

I'm working on the layout based off of the first one, but I'm planning to change the sofa into something of my own, while adding the shelf I made from my grocery assignment into it. I'm not sure what kind of entertainment system I'll make but I might stick with the type that's shown in concept art 2.

Object list (so far):
1. sofa/couch
2. entertainment center
3. rug
4. table
5. shelf, two doors
I plan on adding a lamp, more areas to store things, and windows or frames

CAGD 230 grocery shelf

This is the point in the semester where assignments are getting a bit more challenging. For this assignment, I needed to make a grocery shelf, filled with various kinds of grocery items. There was a list of how many types of items should be apart of the shelf:

  1. 6 different types of boxed  groceries
  2. 1 plastic item
  3. 2 glass items

This was the final rendered images of the assignment:

I didn’t know what I should really make, but I ultimately decided on random stuff that I could think of that I liked. The popcorn and pop tarts were my favorite out of the two. I made the shelf a bit too big so I devoted the entire top shelf to smores pop tarts. 

A problem with the shelf is that It really doesn’t look like a grocery shelf. Not at all. I should’ve used a different texture for it or an overall redesign of it entirely. I also noticed some lighting problem at the bottom. 

The light shining down there is too much and is making the whole texture shine a white color. Also, I feel there’s a problem with shading between the corn flakes and the wooden shelf. I’m definitely getting marked down for this.

 Some ways to make sure this doesn’t happen in the future is that I need to keep track of everything in all angles to make sure that I don’t have anything looking off. And if i do see something wrong, I’ll quickly make edits. I’ll also work on checking light settings in the attribute editor to change some settings in regards to shadows and light in order to make things more natural looking

CAGD 230 Dinner prep

I was given this assignment almost right away after the table and sofa assignment. For this, I had to model a box of pasta, a jar, and add textures to a wine bottle. I also had to do the same with the pasta box and jar, plus UVing them both. Luckily, the wine bottle was already UVed and ready for texturing. 

    Being upset about the last assignment, I blew through this assignment and managed to complete the entire thing within a day. Luckily for me, there were short tutorials given that shows exactly what to do and how to do it, so I sat down and worked non stop. This is one of the rendered images I took 

I had a large problem with trying to make the jar of tomato sauce. The sauce was for some reason still white, despite adding the right texture to it. I struggled with trying to find a solution, I needed help from my professor. That’s when I found out it was a simple fix: I didn’t have any UVs on that object. No UVs means no textures, even if you assigned one to an object. 

That goes to show that sometimes, the problems we have in just about anything we do can have very simple solutions to it. Once I had that out of the way, I went to finished rendering and making two other shots, being able to turn it in. 

Overall, my favorite thing about this assignment was the wine bottle. My texture for the wine bottle is one of my favorites. I picked out that label via google, and I’m proud of how it turned out. 

Some lessons can be learned from this assignment: I can finish a large amount of work if given the time, a lot of the time, some issues can be resolved easily so that means to not overthink things too deeply, and that I’m starting to understand the process more and more as I work on these projects. I’m slowly getting better and better!

Here are the final two renders:

CAGD 230 Table and Couch

For this assignment, I was tasked to model a table and a couch in Maya. I had to then UV it to be able to add textures into it, and then render the two. Unfortunately,  I wasn't able to finish in time. 

This is the only render I have of the assignment. I was easily able to make the chair and I tried to work on the sofa myself. It took a real long time to be able to do it, but I managed to finish it. I then UVed both models and decided to work on adding the textures in class. However, things didn’t go as planned. 

    I ended up not UVing my sofa right, so I had to redo it. At the time, I wasn’t used to the UV editor so it took a long time to be able to UV it. I also forgot how to add textures and I spent my time trying to work as fast as I could, but I wasn’t able to add textures, didn’t have the UVs completely done, and the background was black, which is a bad thing. 

    The main problem was that I underestimated the time I had because I was still a beginner with the process. I should’ve continued to work on it the day before the due date to be able to have either 99% of it done, or all of it done right then and there. I also should’ve practiced and took more detailed notes on how to UV and add textures onto a model. Had I knew more about the process, I would’ve had little to no problems. 

It’s unfortunate that I wasn’t able to finish. I’m hoping this doesn’t bring my grade down. I’ll try my best in the future to understand the final steps and time management.