I was given this assignment almost right away after the table and sofa assignment. For this, I had to model a box of pasta, a jar, and add textures to a wine bottle. I also had to do the same with the pasta box and jar, plus UVing them both. Luckily, the wine bottle was already UVed and ready for texturing.
Being upset about the last assignment, I blew through this assignment and managed to complete the entire thing within a day. Luckily for me, there were short tutorials given that shows exactly what to do and how to do it, so I sat down and worked non stop. This is one of the rendered images I took
I had a large problem with trying to make the jar of tomato sauce. The sauce was for some reason still white, despite adding the right texture to it. I struggled with trying to find a solution, I needed help from my professor. That’s when I found out it was a simple fix: I didn’t have any UVs on that object. No UVs means no textures, even if you assigned one to an object.
That goes to show that sometimes, the problems we have in just about anything we do can have very simple solutions to it. Once I had that out of the way, I went to finished rendering and making two other shots, being able to turn it in.
Overall, my favorite thing about this assignment was the wine bottle. My texture for the wine bottle is one of my favorites. I picked out that label via google, and I’m proud of how it turned out.
Some lessons can be learned from this assignment: I can finish a large amount of work if given the time, a lot of the time, some issues can be resolved easily so that means to not overthink things too deeply, and that I’m starting to understand the process more and more as I work on these projects. I’m slowly getting better and better!
Here are the final two renders: