For this assignment, I was tasked to model a table and a couch in Maya. I had to then UV it to be able to add textures into it, and then render the two. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish in time.
This is the only render I have of the assignment. I was easily able to make the chair and I tried to work on the sofa myself. It took a real long time to be able to do it, but I managed to finish it. I then UVed both models and decided to work on adding the textures in class. However, things didn’t go as planned.
I ended up not UVing my sofa right, so I had to redo it. At the time, I wasn’t used to the UV editor so it took a long time to be able to UV it. I also forgot how to add textures and I spent my time trying to work as fast as I could, but I wasn’t able to add textures, didn’t have the UVs completely done, and the background was black, which is a bad thing.
The main problem was that I underestimated the time I had because I was still a beginner with the process. I should’ve continued to work on it the day before the due date to be able to have either 99% of it done, or all of it done right then and there. I also should’ve practiced and took more detailed notes on how to UV and add textures onto a model. Had I knew more about the process, I would’ve had little to no problems.
It’s unfortunate that I wasn’t able to finish. I’m hoping this doesn’t bring my grade down. I’ll try my best in the future to understand the final steps and time management.
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