Sunday, December 15, 2019

Game Scene week 5

It’s the final week of school before finals. By now, it’s only a few days before the final, and I think I have almost everything done. I successfully imported my maya building into unity and added the rightful textures. This is the final product of my hard work:

I’m not sure why there’s the empty areas there, but other than that, I’m proud I was able to do this! Bringing in the textures was the worst however. My way of naming things weren't so good so I had a lot of problems finding which texture maps goes to which. Luckily I did it! And that’s all that matters.
The last thing I need to do is to work with my group mates on making the presentation and the final maya package. I’m starting to get burned out with all the work I've been doing but I’m going to continue to try my very best to complete this class and this semester the best I can. 

The assignment has been completed. I worked hard with my group mates to bring all of our work into Maya and also into Unity, making an entire environment for it. Below, is the presentation we all made. I'm so proud of my work and I really love this!

Game Scene week 4

It’s almost the final week to turn it in. Luckily, I have most of everything finished. I got to UV everything and spent an entire night working on adding the textures on my church. What was one of the problems of adding the textures was finding what kind of main wall would I use. I tried using a somewhat corroded brick wall, but it made the edges from one piece of geometry to another look really off. Instead of that, I had a sorta sandy looking wall that masks the weird edges fairly.

This is the render from maya: 

For the front and back of the walls, the weird edges stood out the most and I didn’t know what to really do, so I came up with an idea: add some lines over it, to cover it up. I was planning to texture those lines with a wood texture, but i thought maybe making it out of clay would be the better approach. It makes it more unique and I think it suits it well. 

I’m gonnna wait until later to work on implementing this into unity; the texturing process was a lot t handle, since I had spent an entire night to work on it. That, and I didn’t have the required unity update. I would need to export this maya project to unity and add some finishing touches.
I’m so close and have a lot more time to work on it! I hope that I can get through this smoothly. 

Game Scene week 3

This week, I was able to get some serious work done with modeling my church. I had a lot of problems with using maya this week, as it would just crash randomly, making me lose bits and pieces of work. It was frustrating, but I was able to finish modeling the church.

    I got a lot of modeling done and i’ve recently been working heavily on UVing. It looks like I need to UV a ton of things, but really I only need to UV one unique piece of geometry and then just duplicate it over. Though, I do feel like it’ll take a while to do, as I’m struggling with uving the back of the church.
Despite these small setbacks, I do feel that I’m on a good pace to complete my final right! All I need to do is UV, texture, and export it to Unity. Doesn’t sound too bad for now.